Corporate Governance

As a part of Euro Packaging Group, we are committed to improving the quality of life of the communities we serve. We do this by striving for leadership and global competitiveness in the business sectors in which we operate. So as a company, we comply to the predominant doctrines of ethics and have polices in place to support this pledge.


The purpose of our health & safety policy is to:

  • Provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.
  • Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
  • Ensure safe handling and use of substances.
  • Provide adequate information, sufficient guidelines and supervision for employees.
  • Certify that all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training.
  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions and to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.


We are committed to minimizing our impact on the environment by:

  • Preventing pollution, reducing waste and ensuring wherever practical measures are implemented to protect and preserve natural habitats, flora and fauna.
  • Taking action to eliminate or reduce as far as practicable any potentially adverse environmental impacts.
  • Promoting environmental awareness amongst our suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures.
  • Seeking to work in partnership with the community by behaving in a confederate and socially responsible manner.
  • Ensuring effective and expedient incident control, investigation and reporting.


The aim of our quality policy:

  • Ensure that we fully identify and conform to the needs of our customers.
  • Define measurable quality objectives and targets for improved business performance.
  • Ensure everyone understands how to do their job and has the necessary information, training and supervision to do it right first time.
  • Develop strong, long-term relationships with our suppliers and ensure they have the capability to deliver product and service quality in line with our policy.
  • Provide a high level of service to our customers.
  • Ensure that when customer feedback is received, any issues will be attended to in a timely manner with a view to eliminate the root cause and prevent recurrence.
  • Continually comply with our clients requirements and improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System.



Among key principles of our anti-bribery and whistle blowing policy, it should be noted that :

  • The company has a zero tolerance to bribery and corruption.
  • Giving, receiving, offering or promising a bribe or facilitation payment are expressly prohibited.
  • Training and awareness about our zero tolerance for bribery and corruption is conducted across the company and all relevant third parties.
  • All managers in the company must commit to supporting the policy across their teams. Communication about the policy is undertaken by the senior managers and the executive team.
  • Business activities must be transparent, sufficiently documented and above suspicion.
  • Due diligence must be conducted and documented with those who are doing business with, or on behalf of, the company.
  • The policy principles extend to all employees, directors and contractors.
  • Concerned managers are available and accessible to the concerned staff, to prevent whistle blowing.


Euro SME is strictly adhering on social and ethical rules within the organization and comply with international and local laws, legislations and regulations on labour and working conditions:

  • The rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining.
  • We respects the right of workers to receive fair remuneration.
  • We ensures a healthy and safe working environment, assessing risk and taking all necessary measures to eliminate or reduce it.
  • Child labour shall not be used.
  • No bonded or prison labour used.
  • Our enterprise does not tolerate any acts of corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery.
  • Provides equal opportunities and no discrimination is practiced.
  • Regular employment is provided.
  • Inhumane treatment is not allowed and strict actions are taken against the offender.

"And we expect the same from our suppliers and trading partners, hence every vendor or a trading partner of Euro certifies with a submission of a signed copy, of our ethical trading policy that they comply to social and ethical regulations within the organization and comply with international and local laws regarding labour and working conditions".